
#257 How to Start a New Career Path from Scratch with Kristine Munro

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Are you hating your corporate job? Do you dream of having a job you love? Kristine Munro was in that exact position, and chose to follow her passion and start a new career from scratch!

In this episode, Kristine shares why she didn’t feel aligned in her corporate career, what caused her to pivot, and how she built the life of her dreams. 

Listen now to learn why it’s never too late to pivot your career, and how you can create the life you have always dreamed of!


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“My book is coming out 3 years to the day that I quit my job!”

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“I’m a big believer in creating financial stability for artists.”

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“”I’m a millionaire on my own.””

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“I went from 10k months to 120k months in a 3-month period!”


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